yoga day 1: just stay in the room

Yesterday was day 1 of my 30 day challenge with Bikram Yoga Halifax.
“For your first time, just try to stay in the room and get used to the heat”. These are the words that kept me going throughout my first session.
I arrived at this amazing Bikram Yoga Halifax location early to make sure I sign in and ask a few nervous newbie questions.  One of my main concerns was not being able to do the moves and dreading that feeling of inadequacy when surrounded by seasoned practitioners.  It’s funny that the feeling of inadequacy never sprung up. I found myself pushing my body and when I couldn’t do it, I stood still (or sat down) and paid attention to my breathing while I convinced my mind that it would only be a matter of time till I mastered it.
My biggest challenge for the day was the heat. It’s tough to first get into a pose then hold it, all while maintaining your breathing in of hot air, which is all too foreign to your body. The heat, though, is outweighed by the 2 things that brought me absolute joy. The first being the never ending sweat. Earlier in the day I had read something that said “Sweat is fat crying”. It made me laugh out loud and also rejoice in every drop of sweat during my first 90 minute session. The second thing was as I left the studio and made my way home to get ready for an event there was absolutely nothing on my mind. I mean NOTHING. I couldn’t seem to focus on any of the numerous things that had been swimming around in my head throughout the day.  I don’t remember the last time I ever felt like that. Though my body aches and there’s still a long road ahead, it would be insane of me to not go back tonight to experience that feeling again.


  1. Elle says:

    See! No road rage either! Good for you!!

    1. lionhunter says:

      BAAHAHAHA. There was no bus rage that day! :)

  2. Peter Blendheim says:

    Enjoy your experence. Bikram yoga is such a great pratice.

    1. lionhunter says:

      thank you Peter!! You are right, I have had 3 wonderful experiences so far!